
Sunday, May 8, 2011

About Templates

It's time for templates. Yay! Templates are like the backbone in scrapbook. You can customize the shapes in the template. It can be a whole scrap page or another embellishment. They appear gray because you're supposed to give them life through color. I'll give you a sample.

From this template (I DID NOT MAKE THIS TEMPLATE)

I used the papers and recolored the templates to this.

By the way, the girl in the picture is my younger sister 5 years ago. I am camera-shy so I wouldn't dare posting photos of me.

Using templates

Of course the question is HOW can we do that? I looked for a video and found one in:

Just click on "Using Page Templates Photoshop Elements." After watching it you will be able to recolor other embellishments.

Template Download

Now it's time for you to try it! Use a template I'm going to give a link for a template and use it. Please show me your works if you can. Thank you.

It is from It's one of the best sites to look at. Here's her template.

Go and scrap it up!


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